Ferran Matoses Beltran

Informations de base

    • Date of Birth: 22/04/1992
    • Nickname: Nan
    • Hometown: Barcelona
    • Favorite Destination: Pyrinees

Réseaux sociaux

When there’s snow, ski. When the snow melts and there’s more water, canyon. Climb all year long, no matter the difficulty.

Découvrez qui ils sont

Favorite Mountain

No favourite mountains... I just love outdoor.


When there’s snow, ski. When the snow melts and there’s more water, canyon. Climb all year long, no matter the difficulty.

Favorite KONG products

  • Kong Leef
  • Target Canyon
  • Oka
  • Victor

Inspirations (other climbers)

  • Josep Manuel Anglada
  • Francesc Guillamon
  • Kilian Jornet
  • Pau Escalé

Words to live by


Things that make me really happy

Travel and meet different cultures through outdoor sports and gastronomy.

Favorite routes

I just like to go up…


Get obsessed with a spot and forget for a long time about others.

Three Things I Always Pack

  • Headlamp
  • Dates
  • Water
