8 hours, timetable 08.00 -16.00
Intended audience
Operators, technicians of organisations or companies working in areas with potential avalanche danger.
Participants must be in good, self-certified psychophysical condition.
Good progression skills in snowy terrain with skis or snowshoes.
Personal equipment for progression and self-rescue in snowy terrain
The ‘avalanche self-rescue’ training course focuses on the acquisition of avalanche self-rescue techniques implemented on an individual or team level, as well as an awareness of the non-technical skills (NTS) required to move in avalanche hazard scenarios, which are often difficult to identify.
At the end of the course, the student knows how to make a dynamic risk assessment, knows how to make choices in an environment of uncertainty, knows how to practise avalanche self-rescue techniques to search for one or more persons, and also knows how to activate public rescue.
Entry fee
270,00 € per participant (VAT exempt).
Confirmation of the course will be sent by e-mail at least 10 working days before the fixed date.
The course will be run with a minimum of 3 participants and a maximum of 5.