
Express Shape

Variable-width express sling
Aro Adventure Evo

Aro Adventure Evo

Single Nylon lanyard suitable for advent..
Chain Dyneema

Chain Dyneema

Dyneema multiuse sling for mountaineerin..
Double Aro Adventure Evo

Double Aro Adventure Evo

Nylon lanyard for use in adventure parks..


Nylon webbing for quickdraws for mount..
Express Dyneema

Express Dyneema

Dyneema webbing for quickdraws for mount..
Rescue Lanyard

Rescue Lanyard

Positioning lanyard for rescue and expos..


Positioning lanyard designed for caving,..
Y Aro Adventure Evo

Y Aro Adventure Evo

Double Nylon lanyard fitted with two arm..

Y Aro Canyon

Dyneema lanyard designed to help pass re..

Yaku Vario

Two arms lanyard made of Dyneema tape wi..