Mark Infini Box

Container for the storage and transportation of Mark Robin and Mark Robin Hub devices.

It allows easy access to the PPE and protects against moisture, UV rays, and external agents, significantly extending the service life of its contents.

The MARK Infini Box increases the review interval to 10 years, which otherwise must be performed at least once a year by competent and authorized personnel.

Lifetime and Inspections

Usage activities

Item codes

ItemStandardsMaterialLength (m)Rope Diameter (mm)Descent speed (m/s)Notes
9M8328100009M832810000 /
///contains 80 m of rope
9M8328200009M832820000 /
///contains 195 m of rope
9M8328300009M832830000 /
///contains 240 m of rope
9M8328400009M832840000 /
///contains 460 m of rope

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