24-29 April 2023

Indianapolis, IN - USA

FDIC 2023

FDIC International brings together thousands of Fire & Rescue professionals from around the world, instructors, classrooms, workshops, innovative products and services displayed by over 800 companies.
Kong will be there to showcase the full range of products dedicated to this world, come visit our booth!

Weitere Informationen

Letzte Neuigkeiten

08-10 Oktober 2021

REAS 2021

16-18 November 2021

METS 2021

18-20 Oktober 2022

FISP 2022

26-29 Oktober 2021

A+A 2021

19-24 August 2021

FDIC 2021

19-29 Januar 2021

ACCT 2021

01-03 Dezember 2020

Aeromart Toulouse #Digital